i like it
pretty good :D better than my songs at least
i like it
pretty good :D better than my songs at least
then your songs must really suck!!!1 jk...
thanks for the review
i like it but...
...since it raped my ear im going to the police tomorrow an your going down !!!
lolz! Usually I use rufies so they can't identify me, but i'm coming in ear first, so usually I go for people with tunnel vision.
yeah this is good! and it sound ghosty too
Glad you like it! Thanks for the review!
Lol thanks
fan bäst lixxom!! du äger skiten ur alla!!! älskar låten
fan det snör jo som fan her....
H3ll0 ! f!r5t 5t@rted w!th n3wgr0uNd5 wh3n ! w@5 s3vEn 0r 3ight. ! 5tart3d t0 pl@y AlM0sT ev3ry d@y. n3wgr0Und5 r0CKs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joined on 12/2/07